Be warned, if you buy this little guy, you’re going to want more. Not because it lacks anything, quite the opposite. Simply because you’ll be so impressed that you won’t be able to help yourself, and you’re going to buy more/other pens from Big I. I love this pen, and it’s so easy to carry. I’ve had a fisher space pen for years, and while it’s a good pen, it never really suited me. The quality that kept it around was its size closed. Easily slips into any pocket and disappears. The mini pen is also perfect for any pocket/limited space. The grip diameter is in the golden range for me, so it’s easier for me to write with than with the fisher. This is objectively the best mini pen I’ve ever used. The quality of the pen itself is outstanding. I swapped to a zebra gel refill that I’m a fan of, and I’m pleased to say this has taken over as my daily driver. I’m also a huge fan of copper, and use it for projects at home pretty regularly. Seeing the copper option, my choice was made for me.
In fact, I liked the mini pen so much, that I bought my wife and I each a pocket pen pro in copper. I’m looking forward to the next few decades with these pens.
If you’re on the fence about buying a nicer pen, definitely give this guy a try. It’s the perfect gateway pen. It won’t break the bank, and it’ll show you just how nice their products are. Then of course, you’ll discover their other products and it will likely snowball.
Thanks for the fantastic pen gents!