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This is a neat tool, it takes time and practice to use well. If the time and effort are made to learn to use it this neat tool becomes a very neat tool. It is not expensive compared to an original, functions as an original would minus the additional lenses, and is very portable. I was interested in the see through XL that uses a mirror instead of a prism so I built a 50 x 50 cm size mirror version with foam core and thin poly carbonate for the glass and it works fantastic. I used the little card for alignment of the neo lucida to the table top as a template for a slip over hold system that is attached to my mirror box version so now I can use either style on the same flexy neck. Here is the very first drawing I attempted from my front yard setting up on an old folding tv tray table sitting in a folding lawn chair. Its not hard to set up or use, its not rocket science but its just as fun! To take time to learn how to use tools, and to spend many moments practicing and using them, that is the part of the process I enjoy the most! So while others my find this tool to tiny, to fiddly, to this or to that, I find it to be delightful to learn and to use, precisely because it does takes time and practice to use it well. Anything worth doing well takes time and practice. Life is meant to be an adventure so give any lucida a try or build your own mirror box version, its FUN!
Beautiful work, Benjamin! We appreciate your support and feedback!
With an understandably teeny tiny prism, it is difficult to maneuver. Had i known there was a larger prism model i might have spent the extra $20 for a better version. Still love the tool just wish it was easier to use.
Hi Mrs. Miller,
If you would like to exchange your NeoLucida for the XL we can definitely help! Please email us a support@bigidesign.com. Thank you for your feedback.
It is difficult for words to encompass how delighted I am with the NeoLucida. I have wanted a camera lucida for a considerable time, but never considered it as anything other than an interesting gadget of limited practical use. Your camera lucida is well constructed, remarkably easy to use, and quite affordable. I am a printmaker and have already put the NeoLucida to good use transferring my sketches to linoleum blocks for carving. I can now transfer sketches in a quarter of the time with a greater degree of accuracy. I expect the NeoLucida shall become an integral part of my artistic practice.
Yours truly,
Malcolm M. Fife
I started to set it up and decided it wasn't what I was looking for, so can't really give much of a review
Thanks for the feedback, Henry! Reach out to us at support@bigidesign.com if you ever need anything!
Hard to focus & a bit different to my art style… after you get going, really cool device. Would recommend
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